Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Henry Mcneal Turner and KKK

Born February 1, 1834 died May 8, 1915. Henry was a Minister, and the first southern bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. He organized new congregations of the independent black denomination after the American Civil War. The KKK which stands for the Ku Klux Klan is an organization devoted to the pure hatered and terrorism of blacks. It is estimated to have between 5,000 and 8,000 members as of 2012. The first sight of the KKK was in the early 1860s and died down in 1870. They wore white robes and white cone shaped masks to scare people and keep thier identites hidden. The KKK is still around today but in a smaller version on the past ones.

13, 14, and 15th Amendments

13th- Forbids slavery.
14th-Granted citizenship to freedmen and equal protection under the law. Also prevented former confederate officials from holding office.
15th- Granted the right to vote to all men regardless race, color, or pervious condition of servitude.

Sharecropping and Reconstruction plans

Sharecropping: a system of agriculture in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crop produced on the land.
Tenant Farming:  one who resides on and farms land owned by a landlord.

The Civil War was mainly fought on southern soil, so after the war ended the US needed a way to quickly get it back in shape so they could focus on things like discrimination and new laws for the newley freed slaves.

Freedmans Bureau

After the war ened and the Union won, the country needed something to help the new free slaves. Freedmans Buerau was created in March of 1865 by President Abe Lincoln. Its intent was to help aid the newley freed slaves. It was meant to only last on eyear but ened up lasting until 1872 and was disbanned by President Ulyssyes S. Grant. The Bureau encouraged blacks and whites to work together rather then master and slave, it encouraged blacks to get a job and be able to care for themselves, and it kept an eye on contracts between labor and management.

Atlanta Campaingn and Sherman's March to Sea

The Atlanta Campaing started on May 7 and ended September 2, 1864. Atlanta Campaign was a series of minor battles all occuring around Atlanta and in the end practiacly destroyed Atlanta. Next was Sherman's March to the Sea and that was lead by the Union General William Tecumseh Sherman on November 15 to December 21, 1864. The march began with Sherman's troops leaving the captured and destroyed city of Atlanta and marching on foot all the way to Savannah while detroying everything in sight. The objective was to scare the Confederates in to quitting. Along the way Sherman's troops allowed former slaves to join in the march and as they passed through town to town they constantly stole to survive.

Union blockade of GA coast

The purpose of the Blockade was to cut off the passage of trade goods, supplies, and arms to and from the Confederacy. The Confederacy would occasionaly send over Blockade runners to try to evade the Union.  Blockade runners were led by British. Abe proclaimed the blockade on April 19, 1861. His objective was to close down 3,500 miles of confederate coastline and 12 major ports. The Blockade lasted from 1861-1865.

Gettysburg and Chickamuaga

The Battle of Gettysburg lasted for about three days June 1-3, 1863.  It is known as the Battle with the most casualties in the Civil War, the strong army of the Union lead by General Gordon Meade defeated the attacks from the south lead by General Robert E. Lee there by stopping the invasion of the north. They now call it the wars turning point.
File:Thure de Thulstrup - L. Prang and Co. - Battle of Gettysburg - Restoration by Adam Cuerden.jpg
\he Battle of Chickumagua was the battle with the second most casuallties in the Civil War. It occured on September 19–20, 1863. It waqs also known as the Chickumagua Champain because it marked the end to the Union attack in southern tennesee and in northern Georgia. Union General was William Rosecrans and the Confederate General was Braxton Bragg.

Emancipation Proclamation

The Emancipation Proclamation was ordered by President Abe Lincln with his executive commander power not by congress. It occured on January 1, 1863. It stated that everyone who is living in a Confederate territory to free thier slaves and this also applyed to the Army. This did not apply to thoughs living in rebellion territorys. The Proclamation did not apply to the five slave states that were not in rebellion, nor to most regions already controlled by the Union army. To be clear the Emancipation did not illegalize slavery it meerley eradicated slavery in the motion of war. By doing this the southerners were very very angry and let to the Battle of Gettysburg.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Alexander Stephens and Antietam

Alexander Staphenes was the Vice President of the Confederate states of America during the Civil War and just happens to be from Georgia. While the Georgia secession was being decided he voted on staying with the Union.
File:Battle of Antietam.pngThe Battle of Antietm occured on Sep. 17 1862. In the Southern states the battle was known as Battle of Sharpsburg. Antietm was the first major battle to take place on Union grounds. It was the bloodiest single-day battle in American History, with 22,717 dead, wounded and missing on both sides combined.[
In the end, the Union ended up winning due to a smart stratigic battle plan.

Dred Scott and Election of 1860

File:Dred Scott photograph (circa 1857).jpg  Dred Scott was a African-American slave in the US born in 1795 died on September 17, 1858. Dred Scott was sued unfairly for his freedom. In 1846 Dred filed a law suit for his freedom. By 1850 Dred was rewarded his freedom because he and his family had been illegally held as slaves during their extended residence in the free jurisdictions of Illinois and Wisconsin.  

File:ElectoralCollege1860.svgThe Presidential election of 1860 was held on Tuesday, November 6, and is thought of as the main cause for the outbreak of the American Civil War. The issue of slavery during this time caused the Democratic Party to break in to North and South and created a Constitutional Union Party. Because the South was so divided, the Republican North who mainly supported Abraham Lincoln had enough votes to put Abe in the White House as President without any Southern support. You can  only imagine the anger that broke out throughout the southern states, making seven southern states secede to form a confederacy. Secessionists from four additional Border states joined the rebellion at Lincoln's call to restore federal property in the South. Following South Carolina's secessionist movement, the Union admitted Kansas, West Virginia, and Nevada as free-soil states.

Compromise of 1850, GA Platform, and Kansas-Nebraska Act

Before Compromise:

After Compromise:

The Compromise of 1850 was passed in September of 1850 and was enacted to even the number of the free and slave states due to the Mexican-American War. The Compromise was drafted by Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky. The results of the compromise of 1850 were the Civil war, no slave trade in Washington D.C, California resulting as a free state, and rising tensions over slavery. The GA platform was basically a statement stating that the Compromise of 1850 was the final resolution to the sectional slavery issues, and that the North could no longer judge or assault the Southerns choices of their rights regarding slavery. The Kansas-Nebraska act created the new states of Kansas and Nebraska, opening new lands for settlement, and had the effect of repealing the Missouri Compromise of 1820 by allowing settlers in those territories in order to determine weather they should allow slavery in those states. The main purpose of the Kansas-Nebraska act was to open up new farm land and to make a new Transcontinental Railroad.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Missouri Compromise

The Missouri Compromise was enacted in 1820 and mostly affected the pro and anti-slavery states. It was made to balance the free and slave states. It also banned slavery from the Louisiana Territory, not including Missouri. Because of this, Massachusetts was separated from the top portion of the state that was then called Maine, and became a new free state. In 1819 James Tallmadge offered a Amendment called the Tallmadge Amendment, this made it so that slaves were not allowed in Missouri and that all the children born in this state under a slave shall be freed at the age of 25.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


    Nullification : To invalitdate a law.
     In 1828 a topic of debate was the tariff placed on imported goods, the southerners were'nt happy with this because with a tariff on imported goods, the cost of goods that were not in the US rose. To counter act the tariffs a man named John Calhoun applied a Nillification. This meant that the states were able to nullify (nutrilize) federal law. The nullification caused high tension between federal law and the southern states. 



Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Slavery as a Cause

     Slavery was the main factor leading up to the Civil War. The country was divided by North and South, North was against slavery while the South was all for it. The north and south tended to bump heads frequently, and in order to maintain a peaceful country they had to resolve their disagreements. Thus creating the Compromise of 1850 (an agreement between the north and south to even out the free and slave states). California wanted to enter as a free state but there was no slave state to balance it out, therefore Texas divided in to 5 separate states (Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Texas).